Jofa Media

About Jofa

Jofa advocates for expanding women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakhato build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community.

Browse our website to find events, publications, podcasts, apps, recordings, guidebooks, articles, and more resources related to Jewish Orthodox Feminism!

You’ll learn how to read trope, find women-friendly minyanim, read divrei Torah by female scholars, learn about our webinars, blogs, events, and more! 

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Rabba Amalia Haas

Rabba Amalia Haas served as Director of Spiritual Engagement at Congregation Beth Sholom in Providence, Rhode Island, from 2021-22, in the first cohort of Devorah Scholars. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio, where she works as a chaplain at the Cleveland Clinic. She is the mother of six incredible children, ages 12-25. She is also the Founder and Chief Bee Whisperer of Amalia’s Bees (formerly Bee Awesome), a company that teaches about pollinators and climate change ...
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