About Us

Jofa advocates for expanding women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakha,
to build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community.

Our Mission

Jofa advocates for expanding women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakha, to build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community.

Our Website

Browse our website to find events, publications, podcasts, apps, recordings, guidebooks, articles, and more resources related to Jewish Orthodox Feminism! You’ll learn how to read trope, find women-friendly minyanim, read divrei Torah by female scholars, learn about our webinars, blogs, events, and more!

Jofa Team

Executive Committee

Dr. Mindy Feldman Hecht, President

Rachel Berke, Treasurer

Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham

Allie Alperovich

Sarah Blechner

Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker

Pam Scheininger

General Board

Benham Dayanim

Paula Eiselt

Dr. Laura Shaw Frank

Blu Greenberg

Pam Greenwood

Gail Katz

Michael Kellman

Tamar Lindenbaum

Carol Kaufman Newman

Noam Stadlan

Abigail Tambor

Past Presidents

Blu Greenberg, Founding President

Judy Heicklen

Carol Kaufman Newman

Pam Scheininger

JOFA Anti-Harassment Policy

Any individual who believes that he or she has witnessed or has been subjected to conduct that may violate JOFA’s policy (by an employee or non-employee of JOFA) is required to report the conduct to the Executive Director or any officer of the Organization. Complaints of harassment may be made using the complaint form attached to this policy. You can read about our non-discrimination policy here.

Daphne Lazar Price

Executive Director

Daphne stepped into the role of Executive Director after years of experience in the Jewish non-profit world.  She has partnered extensively with lay leaders and professionals.  

Daphne worked at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC), where she was the Development Director. During her tenure she engaged in program planning, management, strategic planning, alumni engagement and development.  She is also the former North American Director of the Muslim Leadership Initiative at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, where she was responsible for fostering connections between Muslim and Jewish communities. More recently she served as a Vice President at West End Strategy Team. 

Daphne received a BA with honors in Religious Studies from York University and an MA in Judaic Studies from Concordia University. She is currently an adjunct professor of Jewish Law at Georgetown University Law Center. She is active in the Orthodox community in her hometown of Silver Spring, MD, where she lives with her husband and two children.

Contact Daphne at daphne@jofa.org.

Wendy Lefko Messeloff

Communications Director

Wendy Lefko Messeloff joins Jofa as its new Communications Director, with extensive communications experience working for a wide range of non-profit organizations – including several in the Jewish community – and a lifelong passion and commitment to Jofa’s mission.

Wendy has worked and consulted as both a professional and a volunteer on behalf of Jewish and general non-profit organizations, to strengthen communications and engagement through a range of written materials and media. She has worked with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Hadassah, the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Family Service Association, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and many other non-profits. She has also volunteered with the Cleveland Partnership Minyan, AMIT, Fuchs Mizrachi School, and the Cleveland Jewish News, among other organizations as well.  

Over the past decade, her work has focused on developing strategic communications for donor engagement and community development, as well as executive, donor and funder communications. Most recently she served as Lead Writer with the consulting firm Grants Plus, specializing in tailoring grantseeking materials for a mix of mission-driven social, educational, and community development non-profits across the country.

After studying at Midreshet Lindenbaum in Jerusalem, Wendy earned an undergraduate degree from Columbia University, and a master’s degree from Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism. Among the highlights of her years in New York City was attending early Jofa conferences. Wendy is active in the Jewish community of her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, where she lives with her husband, Dan, and their three children.


Contact Wendy at wendy@jofa.org