About Us
Jofa advocates for expanding women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakha,
to build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community.
Our Mission
Jofa advocates for expanding women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakha, to build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community.
Our Website
Browse our website to find events, publications, podcasts, apps, recordings, guidebooks, articles, and more resources related to Jewish Orthodox Feminism! You’ll learn how to read trope, find women-friendly minyanim, read divrei Torah by female scholars, learn about our webinars, blogs, events, and more!
Jofa Team
Executive Committee
Dr. Mindy Feldman Hecht, President
Rachel Berke, Treasurer
Rabba Dr. Carmella Abraham
Allie Alperovich
Sarah Blechner
Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker
Pam Scheininger
General Board
Benham Dayanim
Paula Eiselt
Dr. Laura Shaw Frank
Blu Greenberg
Pam Greenwood
Gail Katz
Michael Kellman
Tamar Lindenbaum
Carol Kaufman Newman
Noam Stadlan
Abigail Tambor
Past Presidents
Blu Greenberg, Founding President
Judy Heicklen
Carol Kaufman Newman
Pam Scheininger
JOFA Anti-Harassment Policy
Any individual who believes that he or she has witnessed or has been subjected to conduct that may violate JOFA’s policy (by an employee or non-employee of JOFA) is required to report the conduct to the Executive Director or any officer of the Organization. Complaints of harassment may be made using the complaint form attached to this policy. You can read about our non-discrimination policy here.