Jofa and Yeshivat Maharat are pleased to announce a joint solidarity mission to Israel,
taking place from midday Monday, January 8, through Wednesday evening January 10, 2024.
The mission will include on-the-ground visiting, volunteering, and learning initiatives,
supporting women, evacuees, female soldiers, and all of Am Yisrael at this critical time.
Help us bring chizuk to our Israeli friends and family!
The mission is open to women and men of all religious backgrounds.
Additional details and registration information can be found here.
We hope that you will consider joining us for this meaningful and important experience.
If you aren’t able to join the mission, but would still like to do something to participate,
please consider sponsoring a BBQ that we will be hosting for chayalot on an IDF base,
on Tuesday, January 9.
See the graphic below for more information and click here to sponsor. Thank you!