Purim Resources 5785/2025

Purim Resources 5785/2025

Purim is just around the corner — Saturday night and Sunday, March 13-14!

Please take a moment to complete this form if you know of a women’s Megillat Esther reading taking place in your community, or an Orthodox community/synagogue that is hosting a Megillat Esther reading where women are welcome to read, so that we can help you spread the word and share this information with others who may wish to participate — whether by reading the Megillah, and/or by hearing women read the Megillah. (Please note that the information in this form will be shared publicly.)

Please visit our Project Esther Purim Resources page for resources and info on organizing and running a Megillat Esther reading, and to download Jofa’s FREE iPhone app or use our web-based recordings to learn how to leyn the Megillah. (Please note that our Android app is being repaired at this time — we apologize for the inconvenience.)

Jofa would also love to see pictures of your Megillat Esther readings after Purim

Please email your photos to jofa@jofa.org, or post them on social media and tag us!

We look forward to spreading the joy of women’s ritual participation with you.

Looking forward to a Purim Sameach!

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