By Jofa Executive Director Daphne Lazar Price
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In this week’s parsha, Parshat Va’era, God instructs Moshe to speak with Pharaoh, and to demand the release of the Israelites from slavery. But Moshe tries to decline and beseeches God, proclaiming that since b’nai Yisrael had not yet listened to him, how could he expect Pharaoh to do so. Moshe adds v’ani arel sefatayim, alluding to an impediment that prevents him from speaking clearly. Much has been written about this term and what it means. Some suggest that Moshe had a stutter, while others infer from the word arel which means “uncircumsized” that there is additional skin, blockage or a tongue tie that made it difficult for Moshe to enunciate certain letters. Moshe of course goes on to lead the Israelites out of slavery, but in this instance, it is Aharon who acts as the spokesperson to Pharaoh, accommodating Moshe’s needs. By providing this accommodation to Moshe, God isn’t saying that Moshe’s hesitations are unfounded. On the contrary, God is saying that despite Moshe’s hesitations, God will provide support and tools in the form of Aharon acting as aid and substitute, which will eventually help Moshe reach his destiny as a leader. God gives Moshe the time to fully realize his potential, and does not deny him the role.
There are several possible ways to understand Moshe’s stance and personality. The first is clear reluctance. Moshe simply does not want to play this role and will say or do anything to get out of it. Another reading is self-doubt. Moshe does not think he is worthy to take on this leadership role. And a third is his belief that he will not be successful in a leadership role because of his physical limitations as an orator.
Regardless of why Moshe is reluctant, he in fact does go on to lead. And, as we will see in the rest of the Israelites’ journey from redemption from slavery, throughout their sojourn in the wilderness and as they become a nation, Moshe’s ability to use and raise his voice is at the core of his leadership. Whether he fully overcomes his speech impediment we do not know. But we do know that a key part of his leadership includes speaking to the Israelites and speaking to God – and acting as the interlocutor between the two.
Moshe’s journey towards leadership is a process of overcoming. Indeed, we are told later on in the Torah in Numbers 12:3 that “Moses was a very humble man, more than any other man that was upon the face of the earth.” Moshe was born an Israelite to an enslaved family, but raised as an Egyptian prince. He didn’t fully belong in either world. He lacked proper mentors and role models and a stable family situation. And, he quite possibly had a speech impediment. In modern terms, he had what we might refer to today as “imposter syndrome.”
Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a “fraud,” despite evidence of their competence. While anyone can experience this, it disproportionately affects women, particularly in male-dominated industries or positions of leadership. As the executive director of Jofa, I see first-hand the challenges posed by imposter syndrome all the time.
When it comes to imposter syndrome through a gendered lens, too often women feel like they don’t belong in certain roles, even if they are more skilled and qualified than their male counterparts. We have all heard of instances where a job description is posted with ten desired skills. A woman will look and see that she only has eight of them and pass, while a man with only five will eagerly apply. This self-doubt can stem from societal pressures and gender expectations that often devalue women’s achievements or place higher standards on them. In many cases, women may struggle with internalized beliefs that they must constantly prove themselves to be worthy of their positions, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
In many Orthodox communities, there is the added layer of imposed communal restrictions under the false guise of halakha. From a young age, girls are taught to conform to societal norms that are meant to limit their reach towards potential as they mature into women. Not only are girls and women denied leadership roles, in too many cases there isn’t even a seat for them at the decision making table. We see growing trends of blurring and erasing girls and women from publications. Conversations about sex, sexuality and reproductive freedom are taboo. Women are excluded from halakhic processes, including in matters of intimate partner violence and divorce. And when it comes to using their voice, women’s voices are silenced, and are precluded not just from singing, but from speaking out altogether. And when women are finally encouraged to step up and lead, so many, like Moshe, look for ways to avoid these roles, claiming modesty, lacking all of the qualifications or an inability to meet the needs of the task at hand.
Following Moshe’s example, sometimes women need an extra push, or a model to see what successful leadership could look like for them. Sometimes they need to be mentored or to see role models whose leads they can follow. And finally, like Moshe, maybe they need an Aharon of their own, an apprentice to take on the tasks they are not yet ready or able to complete, protecting their space as a future leader. One thing is sure, there are many paths to successful leadership – once we find a potentially strong leader – male OR female – to fulfill the role.
Besorot Tovot ~ Am Yisrael Chai ~ Shabbat Shalom